Frequently asked questions
Can my child play with her friends?
Valleys encourages friendship groups provided all parents are happy with the decision.
Please indicate at time of registration if you are seeking this for your child.
Where friendship groups are placed together, it will usually be in a team of the level of the lowest skilled player. This is to ensure fairness for all players in the age group.
If the friends are of equal skill level as determined through the trial process, they will likely end up in the same team regardless, depending on position balance across the teams.
Please be aware however that although we endeavour to keep friends together, this cannot always be guaranteed when allocating players to teams.
Is my son able to play for Valleys?
Boys are welcome to play for Valleys in the DPNA Winter competition and we have singlets and shorts as part of our official uniform.
DPNA allows boys up to and including the year they turn 12 years during the current year to register and play in their age group and for up to three boys to play in the same team.
Boys turning 13 years or older during the current year can register and play in an age group and division as determined to be the most appropriate by a DPNA subcommittee, in consultation with Valleys Netball Club and the player’s family.
Where a team has more than one male player, a maximum of one male player can be positioned in each third (e.g. two male players cannot be GD and GK, or WD and C, at the same time).
Can my child move up an age group?
Moving up an age group is dependent on a number of factors.
DPNA policies limit the number of players in total that a Club can “register up” across all age groups and there are specific requirements for moving up depending on the player's age and the number of players and teams registered with Valleys Netball Club in the 'higher' age group.
Players can only be moved up from one age group below.
Players turning 19 in the calendar year can be registered in either Inters or Opens and do not count towards the permitted number of players.
Players turning 10 in the calendar year can only be registered in an 11 years team if the club has a maximum of two teams in the 11 years age group and the 10 years players are required to complete these teams. The rules regarding the number of players per age group will apply.
Players turning 9 in the calendar year can only be registered in a 10 years team if they will turn 9 before 30 June. The rules regarding the number of players per age group will apply.
Players turning 7 or 8 in the calendar year cannot be registered in a 10 years team unless the Club does not have enough players registered to make a team in the 7/8/9 years age group.
Players turning 7-9 in the calendar year cannot be registered in a competitive age group team (11 years age group and up) under any circumstances.
Please advise the Valleys Registrar at time of registration if you would like your child to be considered for a higher age group.
When will I find out what team my child or myself is allocated to?
Teams for all age groups will not be formed until all trials are completed.
After the completion of trials, the Valleys Registrar will finalise teams and provide team lists to coaches.
Coaches will then contact players/parents and discuss training times.
Can I request a specific game time?
Game times are set by Downey Park Netball Association, not by the club.
Non-Competitive and 11 years to 13 years teams play at the same time each week.
Cadets, Intermediates and Opens are allocated to one of four game times each week.
Requests for specific game times for non-competitive teams can be made by the Team Coach to the Valleys Registrar however there is no guarantee of being allocated to a specific timeslot.
Times cannot be confirmed until team numbers are finalised in early 2025. Predicted game times for the 2025 season are:
What refund is received if a player wishes to withdraw ?
Refunds are issued in accordance with three separate policies and at what stage of the season the player withdraws.
Netball Queensland Portion
Full refund prior to trials commencing/registration closing date (30 Jan, 2025)
NQ will not refund their portion of the fees once players have taken the court for any reason. This includes trials/grading, training and fixture games.
DPNA Portion
Full refund prior to team submission dates. (U10s, U11s & Cadets - 21 March, 2025. All other ages - 24 March, 2025)
DPNA will not refund their portion of the fees after the team submission dates, unless there are extenuating circumstances, which will be assessed by DPNA on a case-by-case basis.
Valleys Netball Club Portion
Full refund prior to registration closing date (30 Jan, 2025).
Half of our portion of the fees will be refunded once the official registration close date passes.
There will be no refund of our portion of the fees once teams teams are communicated to coaches. (Date to be advised)
A full refund of our portion of the fees is available in the case of season ending injury up to round 3 of the regular season with medical certificate evidence.
Is it possible to transfer to another club after registration?
If you wish to transfer to another club, you must notify the Valleys Registrar as soon as possible and the transfer must be completed prior to the final team submission date of Monday 24th March.
Transfers are not permitted by DPNA after this date.
Refund of Valleys club fees will be as for a player withdrawing. (See REFUNDS section for more information)
Where and when is training?
Valleys teams train on Thursday nights at the DPNA courts. Training times depend on coach and court availability.
As Valleys uses DPNA’s fenced compound for training, certain restrictions apply during training times.
Animals (other than service animals) even if restrained, are not permitted in the fenced compound at any time, including on training nights.
Bikes, roller blades, scooters, skateboards, or other similar items are also not permitted in the fenced compound.
Do you train during school holidays?
Training generally does not take place during school holidays however coaches may choose to return to training in the last week of holidays.
When will the draw be available?
The fixtures draw will be released by DPNA shorty before the first fixture week.
Valleys Netball Club has no control over the timing of the release of the draw.
DPNA website / socials will announce when the draw has been released
Where do I find the draw?
Once released, the draw can be accessed through Netball Connect and the DPNA website.
We strongly suggest all parents download the Netball Connect app to access the draw and their team’s ladder.
To help you access your draw, results and ladder, DPNA has created a helpful video.
Will I have to score?
Live scoring using the Netball Connect app is used on all games, with Team Managers allocating a scorer for each fixture match.
We strongly suggest all parents download the Netball Connect for scoring during the season.
Information on how to score is available on the DPNA website at https://www.downeypark.com.au/netballconnect
Where can I find my team’s results and the ladder?
These can be found on the Netball Connect app for specific teams and/or divisions. To help you access your draw, results and ladder, DPNA has created a helpful video.
Results and ladders for all teams and divisions can be accessed through the web version of Netball Connect or through the DPNA website.
Are uniforms covered in my registration fees?
No. Uniforms are a separate expense. You can find out more, including what must be worn for fixtures, on our Uniforms page.
My child is a non-competitive team. Does she need to wear a uniform?
All players must wear the registered uniform of the club for all fixture matches. This includes players in non-competitive divisions. You can find you more, including what must be worn for fixtures, on our Uniforms page.
Can a baseball cap be worn while playing?
Hard brim playing visors, baseball caps and hats are not permitted. Any visor or hat to be worn on the court must have a soft, collapsible brim to ensure player safety.
Can I film/photograph my child/teams?
Videography and/or filming of children is NOT permitted on the Downey Park Netball Association premises at any time. This includes video footage taken for personal use and video calls.
Photography is permitted; however, permission must be sought from the opposition manager and umpires before any photos are taken.
Please be aware that there are specific instances in law where consent will not be given to photograph members. Such instances generally relate to child custody matters, wards of state, restraining orders and witness protection. It is also possible that, from time-to-time, other circumstances may also preclude the taking of any image of an individual.