Every team needs a Manager to organise the players (and parents!), communicate with the team and assist the Team Coach.
It is a rewarding role that helps the season run smoothly and one where you can become involved in and learn more about your child’s sport.
The role of manager is best filled by someone who can be available at most, if not all, fixture matches as key roles are recording team attendance and allocating a scorer in the Netball Connect app.
Player’s parents or, for senior teams, player’s partners are asked to consider volunteering for this role.
You are the first point of contact for your team regarding fixtures or upcoming events. Check our website and the DPNA website for the answer and if you can’t find what you need, contact the relevant committee member.
Suggestions for a smooth season
Find out the best method of communicating with your parents/players – email, Messenger group, WhatsApp group, etc.
Decide if you will have rosters for scoring, fruit& snacks, washing bibs etc.
Each week, send a reminder to your team listing playing time, court allocation, what time they need to be there, and any other important information (e.g. a reminder to make sure nails are trimmed).
Early in the season, ask parents/players about planned absences (e.g. holidays, camps, other sporting commitments) during the season. This way, your team will be able to plan any borrowing of players from other Valleys teams. There are restrictions on which team you can borrow from, meaning the more time there is to plan for player absences, the more time available to ensure the rules are followed and the team does not have to play short or forfeit a game.
DPNA Fixtures Book
The DPNA Fixtures Book is for all members and contains all of the information relating to DPNA Fixtures.
Managers (and Coaches) are encouraged to read through this document as it will contain the answer to a lot of questions that arise.
Managers' Responsibilities
Fixture days
Managers are responsible for the following on Fixture days -
Ensure players are dressed in the correct Valleys uniform
Club dress or Club singlet & shorts
Plain black bike shorts or Valleys bike shorts
Plain white socks
Nails and jewellery
Nails are trimmed. Taping is not allowed
All jewellery and adornments have been removed.
Players ARE NOT permitted to tape earrings and other piercings. They must be removed before a player takes the court. There are no exceptions to this rule.
Team Attendance
Each team is responsible for marking their player attendance in the Netball Connect app each game.
The Manager (or Coach or Scorer) for the home team can mark players as present. The coach or manager for the away team is responsible for marking their own players.
If a player is absent or does not take the court, they should not be marked as “played”.
The home team (first team listed) is responsible for physically scoring the game on the Netball Connect app.
The home team’s Manager must allocate a scorer for the game, either themselves or another user.
The away team’s manager is responsible for ensuring a representative from their team observes the scoring.
Scorers must stand together at the midway point of the court, out of the umpires’ way.
Finalised scores are considered to be accepted by both teams. More information on live scoring can be found on the DPNA website.
Parents and spectators
Managers are required to ensure parents and spectators are positioned to ensure player and umpire safety.
Parents and spectators should refrain from coaching players from the sidelines and be respectful at all times of players, coaches, umpires and other spectators (of all teams).
Managers should ensure that the DPNA policy on Photography & Filming is adhered to by all parents, spectators, players and team officials.
Training Nights
Managers should -
Remind your team of weekly training and any special training that may be arranged.
Liaise with players and parents if they are unable to attend training so that you can inform the coach in advance.
If equipment is used during training sessions, please ensure it is returned to the Club storage area at the end of the session.
If your team is the first to start training on your allocated court, please ensure that post pads are applied to both goal posts.
If your team is the last to finish training on your allocated court, please ensure that post pads are returned to the DPNA storage area.
Adverse weather conditions
Communicate with the team and coach/es if there are any changes or cancellations to your team's training or fixture game due to wet weather or hot weather.
Please do not contact the Valleys Committee or DPNA for wet weather information. Information on cancellation or changes will be communicated promptly via email once a decision has been made.
Photography & Filming
Videography and/or filming of children is NOT permitted on the Downey Park Netball Association premises at any time. This includes video footage taken for personal use.
Photography is permitted; however, permission must be sought from the opposition manager and both umpires before any photos are taken.
Please be aware that there are specific instances in law where consent will not be given to photograph members. Such instances generally relate to child custody matters, wards of state, restraining orders and witness protection. It is also possible that, from time-to-time, other circumstances may also preclude the taking of any image of an individual.
During Training
There is a First Aid kit located at the Control Desk and ice available in the First Aid room for any injuries sustained at training.
During a Game
If a player is injured any player on court may call time but if time is called the injured player MUST leave the court and the team has 30 seconds to replace this player
The coach is not allowed on court during this time. The players are not allowed to leave the court unless they are the player coming off due to injury.
Ice and first aid care is available at the first aid room in the DPNA Clubhouse, as well as the Satellite Control Desk near the JO Courts.
Any injuries should be registered at the time with first aid staff even if the player does not need first aid or the injury is ‘minor’. If the nature of the injury changes, the player may not be covered for insurance if the injury was not recorded on the day.
Early Forfeit
If your team is expected to be unable to field the minimum 5 players for a game, Managers must email the Club's general email address ( by 10:00am on the Friday before the match, at the latest.
Failure to do this may result in a fine issued by DPNA to the Club.
A team notified by DPNA that its opponent has given notice of its intention to forfeit shall receive a win by forfeit without any members of the team having to be recorded in Netball Connect.
In the event both teams give notice in writing of an intention to forfeit a match, neither team shall receive any points for the match.
Late Forfeit
Teams must have a minimum of 5 players ready to play within 5 minutes of the start of a fixture match.
A forfeit can be claimed by the opposition if this condition is not met, provided that attendance has been recorded in Netball Connect for 5 players from that team.
Late forfeits will result in a fine to the Club.