
Every team needs a Manager to organise the players (and parents!), communicate with the team and assist the Team Coach. 

It is a rewarding role that helps the season run smoothly and one where you can become involved in and learn more about your child’s sport.


The role of manager is best filled by someone who can be available at most, if not all, fixture matches as key roles are recording team attendance and allocating a scorer in the Netball Connect app.


Player’s parents or, for senior teams, player’s partners are asked to consider volunteering for this role.


You are the first point of contact for your team regarding fixtures or upcoming events. Check our website and the DPNA website for the answer and if you can’t find what you need, contact the relevant committee member.

Suggestions for a smooth season

DPNA Fixtures Book

The DPNA Fixtures Book is for all members and contains all of the information relating to DPNA Fixtures. 

Managers (and Coaches) are encouraged to read through this document as it will contain the answer to a lot of questions that arise.  

Managers' Responsibilities

Fixture days

Managers are responsible for the following on Fixture days - 


Nails and jewellery 

Team Attendance 


Parents and spectators

Training Nights

Managers should - 

Adverse weather conditions

Photography & Filming

Videography and/or filming of children is NOT permitted on the Downey Park Netball Association premises at any time. This includes video footage taken for personal use.

Photography is permitted; however, permission must be sought from the opposition manager and both umpires before any photos are taken.

Please be aware that there are specific instances in law where consent will not be given to photograph members. Such instances generally relate to child custody matters, wards of state, restraining orders and witness protection. It is also possible that, from time-to-time, other circumstances may also preclude the taking of any image of an individual.


During Training


During a Game


Early Forfeit

Late Forfeit